About Me

Who Am I?

Ada Luo

My name is Ada Luo and I was born and raised in New York City. I am the oldest child born to immigrant parents and am a first generation college student.

I am a junior studying Information Science in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University. I am concentrating in Interactive Technologies and minoring in Computer Science.

I came into Cornell University as an Environmental Engineering major, but after taking an introductory course to computer science using the Python, I fell in love with coding and explored more of the computing industry.

When I was exploring, I found out about Information Science and decided that this was the career path I want to take. I realized I had a passion for designing websites and building applications that other people can use.

Resume and GitHub


Class Projects



  • CS 3110 - Data Structures and Functional Programming
  • 3-member team
  • Game similar to Pokemon
  • Made using OCaml

BTS's Discograpy Website Database

  • INFO 2300 - Intermediate Design and Programming for the Web
  • Designed and implemented a website that showcased a database of the musical band, BTS’s, discography.
  • Built with HTML, CSS, PHP, and SQLite
NYT Developer Logo

News App

  • Made as the final project for an Intro to iOS Development course.
  • The app used the Cocoapod Alamofire to make calls to the NYT API using the search words inputted by the user.
  • The JSON retrieved from the calls is decoded and displayed as an article name and snippet in a TableView, with each article in a separate TableViewCell.
  • The TableViewCell can be clicked to display a DetailView with the article name, a snippet of the article, an image, and a clickable link.

Martha's Cavern

  • CS 2110 - Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures
  • Two-member team
  • Planned an escape route for an avatar in a randomly generated map.
  • Optimized gold collection with a limited amount of steps using Dijkstra’s algorithm.
  • Built using Java


Expiration Exploration

Expiration Exploration

  • Big Red Hacks September 24th to 26th, 2021
  • Created and pitched project Exploration Expiration with 3 other team members
  • Mocked on Figma.
  • Presented live twice.
Snoot Logo


  • Hack Our Campus Hackathon August 28th-30th, 2020
Fable Logo


  • Digital Agriculture Hackathon in Spring 2020.
  • Created and pitched the project FABLE with 5 other team members
  • FABLE aims to decrease waste in the food chain by connected farmers and consumers directly on an e-commerce style platform.
  • Prototyped a mock-website using HTML and CSS to demonstrate the basic functions.